Over 92 Minerals to Fuel your next workout

Blue Magik Infused Seamoss Gel.

Sale price$26.00

A powerful antioxidant.  Blue Majik is a propriety certified organic extract of Arthrospira platensis, a Nutrient Dense AquaBotanical™. Its stunning blue pigment is made up primarily of Phycocyanin (is a light harvesting pigment binding protein isolated from algae) a powerful antioxidant which has the ability to get rid of free radicals and is a potent natural COX-2 inhibitor.
What are the benefits of E3Live Blue Magik?
  • Potent Antioxidant Protection: Reduces oxidative stress and cellular damage.
  • Profound Anti-inflammatory Effects: Alleviates chronic inflammation and promotes healing.
  • Enhances Liver Function: Optimizes liver health and detoxification processes.
  • Fortifies Immune Defense: Boosts immune response and combats intestinal infections.
  • Potential Anticancer Influence: Offers properties that may help in cancer prevention.
  • Strengthens Joint Integrity: Improves joint health and mobility.
  • Nourishes Skin, Nails, and Hair: Promotes vitality and rejuvenation for dermatological health.
Size: 8oz


Mosstingz Seamoss Gel is a versatile natural supplement derived from seamoss, a type of red algae known for its health benefits. By incorporating Mosstingz Seamoss Gel into your daily diet, you can experience a wide range of health advantages. This gel is rich in essential nutrients and offers various ways to enhance your overall well-being.